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What is Time Management?

Time Management refers to managing time effectively in order to allocate enough time to each activities one need to do. It refers to making use of time wisely as it is always limited.

Time management is important in everything that we do. If you want to know why, keep reading.

In managing time, it should be important to know what activities do you need to finish and how much time should be allocated to each. One should be able to categorized their activities - for example, what is the most important activity you need to finish first and what is the least important one. Set deadlines.

What is the importance of Time Management?

Efficiency. That is the importance of time management. When we know how to manage our time, it can greatly affect our performance and productivity. Time management will help us meet our deadlines - even making things done earlier. With this, we can produce great quality of work - we don’t chase time with time management because we allocate enough time for us to review and proofread what we are doing.

How can you practice Time Management?

1. Set your priorities in order.

Make a list of your to dos. Focus on the most important to the least important one. Some people focus on the task that demands their time more. The last thing you would want to do is to waste time on unnecessary things.

2. Deliver on time.

Set deadlines on your activities/tasks. Personally, I think it would be better to make a deadline earlier than the deadliest deadline. For example, if you are working as a freelancer and your client’s deadline is 3 weeks from now, you can set your personal deadline 2 weeks from now so that you will still have a week to proofread or make revisions on your output.

3. Avoid the “urge” to multitask.

Focus on the task at hand and block out all distractions. It can be tempting to multitask but it is better to focus on one task and finish it before starting to make a new one. Sometimes, multitasking decreases your productivity switching from one task to another.

4. Get organized.

File your documents. Label your folders and place them where you can easily see them. Being organized helps you to focus and prevent you to waste time finding misplaced items.

5. Eliminate distractions.

Identify your distractions. Most common distractions are social media, video games, web browsing and unimportant instant messaging. How can you deal with these? Move away your phone. Turn off your notifications and set time for personal calls and messages. Uninstall or close all unnecessary tabs or applications on your phone or desktop.

Remember, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated and eating healthy can help you stay focus and proactive during the workday.

Keep in mind that you have to take care of yourselves to be able to do the things you need to do. Stay healthy, stay focused and keep praying!

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